* we have a SON!!! Judah William Grip- 6 lb. 15 oz. 19 in. May 18th, 2010. He is wonderfully perfect and beautiful. I could never have imagined the myriad of emotions I would go through when I saw my son for the first time. It's a miracle. It sounds cliche, but its the only way to describe it. I love to just watch him as he discovers his surroundings. :)
He is now just over six months and very close to crawling. He recently started eating baby foods and really is giving us an easy transition into parenting. He is a good little baby.
* Bill just finished coaching Jr. High wrestling at Maxwell. He really liked doing that. It sounded like the kids really liked him as a coach. Every practice they had a "word of the day" and the last day the "word" was Bill's name. :)Bill has also done 4 wedding videos since the last post and he does a REALLY good job on them. Each video gets better every time he does one.
Bill is now THE media man at Maranatha since I am now a stay-at-home-mom. He is kept busy with website maintenance, monthly prayer updates, posters, photography, videos, and on and on. He is a busy man. He is currently working on getting internet to the West End of Maranatha so residents have the option to have internet in our homes. (Which I would be VERY excited about.)
* And that brings us to me...I am at home being a mom and I really like it. :) At times I feel like I don't do much but then Bill reminds me of all the things I do and that if I wasn't cooking he would starve to death and I feel better. :) I also am thankful that I am able to be at home and see Judah growing daily cause I know alot of moms don't have that opportunity.
Besides that, I AM doing contracted work for the camp and random design jobs for people. I am currently working on wedding invitations for someone and I am really enjoying it.
Well thats where we are...we will keep you posted!
Bill and Lindsay and Judah